Halewyn's song (1976)
Lord Halewyn's magical song lures the girls from meadows and fields to his gloomy forest, from where they never return. Based on a medieval song.
“The dedication film 'Halewyn's song' was performed in leg animation. The beautiful backgrounds were by Suzanne Maes. The technique for this film was not new, except perhaps for the use of metal foil for the armor of the early medieval knights. Unfortunately, the film was realised in a much watered-down version because the client, a film production company in Rome, considered the original screenplay as too gory and unsuitable for children… ”
Technical sheet
Format: 35mm
Frame: 1 x 1.33
Sound: Optical-Mono
Length: 12 '
Original version: International - no dialogues
Directed by: Raoul Servais
Script: Raoul Servais
Animation: Veronique Steeno
Backgrounds: Suzanne Maes
Music: Benedetto Gighlia
Produced by: Luna Film / Corona Cinematografica